Hard pastels, coloured charcoal and ink
460mm x 610mm
Reclining figure with raised knees
Hard pastels, coloured charcoal and ink
460mm x 610mm
Hard pastels, coloured charcoal and ink
460mm x 610mm
Beth astride chair
Hard pastels, coloured charcoal and ink
460mm x 610mm
The water carrier
Hard pastels, coloured charcoal and ink
460mm x 610mm
Standing figure with hands behind back
Hard pastels, coloured charcoal and ink
460mm x 610mm
Figure from behind
Hard pastels, coloured charcoal and ink
460mm x 610mm
Back view of Tom playing guitar
Hard pastels, coloured charcoal and ink
460mm x 610mm
Receding figure
Hard pastels, coloured charcoal and ink
460mm x 610mm
Hard pastels, coloured charcoal and ink
460mm x 610mm
Tom playing guitar
Hard pastels, coloured charcoal and ink
460mm x 610mm
Figures moving
Hard pastels, coloured charcoal and ink
460mm x 610mm